Get to Know Me...

Monday, May 25, 2020

Okay here we go Loves...a little bit about me...enjoy...

1.  What is your middle name?  Jovan "my Mom got this name from the perfume"
2.  Share your favorite subject in High School?  Math "because I knew I would always need it in life"
3.  What is your favorite drink?  coffee "who doesn't like coffee?"
4.  What is your favorite song?  Made to Love You by Gerald Levert "this is the song I danced to after the love of life made all my dreams come true, by marrying me."
5.  Have you participated in any sports?  Track & Field and Basketball "I was actually good at Track & Field; however I always tell my kids that I started on the basketball team, when I actually was always the starter for both home and away games...on the bench."
6.  What is your favorite book?  The Bible "it's why I'm still here!"
7.  What is your favorite color?  black and white "because why not and they go so well together, and I couldn't just choose one."
8.  How tall are you?  5'4" "even though my husband doesn't believe me when I tell him that this is an average height for a women."
9.  What year were you born?  1979 "so very happy I got to see the 70's even if it was as a baby."
10.  The most memorable place you've lived?  Puerto Rico "traveling the world with the love of my life and my children has been such a blessing."
11.  What is your favorite television series?  Gilmore Girls "who wouldn't choose the Gilmore's?"
12.  What is your favorite movie?  Titanic "Your so stupid line ever."

Subscribe, Leave a comment with the answer to one of these questions about you, let's step out of our Comfort Zone together...Tootles for now...