Wallpaper Bookshelves

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Adding wallpaper to my bookshelves is a unique way to add the right amount of style and class to your book shelves.  I like to add a unique touch while creating a cozy atmosphere in each area of my home.  While this is not done all at once but over a period of time.  This allows you to sit with the space and ponder on the perfect touch.  I'm always using Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, and also good old fashion google to find just the right inspiration.  I purchased the book shelves from walmart.com and the wall paper from amazon.com or you could just google black and white script wall paper.  What recent DIY have you done in your home to add your very own personal touch?  Please like, comment and subscribe so that we can be on first name bases.  tootles for now...

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