Are you living in your Destiny?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I have something so profound to do and say that it must not end here.  It must be carried out through generations to come.  I feel as though I'm being held back by myself and an alternate force because of the greatness that is within me, that's within us all.  We have a decision to make....the tools that we need are at our fingertips, we just have to begin.  God has placed each of us here for a divine destiny, we just have to trust our instincts.  T. D. Jakes is a pronominal Bishop and Author, if you haven't already his book Destiny, is a must read.  It's GO time...have you ever had to talk yourself into just starting something that you know you are good at and just having the thought of fear in your mind...the answer is JUST DO IT!  You are the essence of all things hope for, the essence of the future that you have always imagine for yourself.  Step into your greatness, motivate, tell your story, be your natural self and people will listen.  Step out on faith...this is your time...DO IT...blessings to you...tootles for now...

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